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Cosmetic tooth colour enhancement is an aesthetics treatment that can be provided by both non medicals and medical professionals across the globe.


Cosmetic tooth colour enhancement contains no harsh chemicals that will contra indicate towards any oral abnormalities which would result in further medical assistance.


Cosmetic tooth colour enhancement will only remove the extrinsic stains from the surface of the tooth and will not distort the balance of the tooth’s enamel or its surroundings leading to the irritation of the gum or aggravation to the root or nerve of the tooth further more causing sensitivity or pain.


Cosmetic tooth colour enhancement is a highly effective way of enhancing the natural colour of your tooth without scratching any of the enamel away. It can make a complete colour change if applied enough times.

Does cystal blue actually work?

Does crystal blue work?


There are thousands of satisfied clients from all walks of life and YES it does work!

The surface of the teeth contain millions of microscopic pores, over the years, organic compounds from food, drinks, tea, coffee, and tobacco penetrate these pores causing discolouration of the tooth enamel.



Saliva is important because it:


* Keeps your mouth moist and comfortable

* Helps you chew, taste and swallow

* Fights germs in your mouth and prevents bad breath

* Has proteins and minerals that protect tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay and gum disease


It is these enzymes which when mixed together hold the most important function for the CRYSTAL BLUE COSMETIC TOOTH COLOUR ENHANCEMENT process.

How it works


Neural soap bubbles are applied to the crown of the tooth


The accelerator lights will allow the dissolving of the bubbles to get to work in and against the STAIN ONLY without being subjected to pain or sensitivity


The specialised solvent breaks up the stain caught by every day living habits allowing the soap bubbles to penetrate under the stain(s) and causes it to separate


The Chelator entraps any found minerals that would interfere in this separation


Once the separation has begun, the anionic detergent binds on to the stain & start to lift it from the tooth's surface ( the crown )


What has saliva got to do with it ?


As you may or not be aware saliva is a natural cleaning fluid which holds many compounds one most important to SE is the enzymes within our saliva which helps to break down food particles helping to keep on top of the over all 'colour' buy flushing & eliminating our bad stains.


Research has found that crystal blue product and saliva together enhance the tooth over all colour by a higher 25 shades in less than 4 sittings and should not be found or bought as an instant process


These products when bonded together and allowed to penetrate as a team work faster and reliably together,


as crystal blues main ingredients are bicarbonate & coco sulphate and cranberry their relationship works well due to an ironic foaming action & coconut oil which allows the pulling power not forgetting the cranberry oils which will leave your smile feeling brand new.

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